Thursday, October 22, 2009

If you're THAT stupid with grammar and status reposts, I'll block you!

I've unfriended / blocked Brian W. since he's changed profile pages, and I'm too lazy to add the new one, haha. He had a lot of grammar / spelling / punctuation issues AND reposted his status a LOT (thus clogging up my news feed), but he did help find a missing person recently...

Facebook quizzes taken from Leigh and Kaitlin:

Leslie completed the quiz "What should your parents have named you?" with the result Cody. Okay name for girls and boys. You should have been named this because you love sports!!!! (Actually, Cody is NOT an okay name for girls! NO WAY!)

Leslie completed the quiz "What type of Love are you?" with the result Eros. Eros is passionate, physical, lustful love - the kind that gives you butterflies in your stomach and a tingling in certain other places. Romantic love that has tremendous passion, physical longing, deep intensity, and intimacy. (WTF?!)

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